Houston, Texas Geriatric Care Management Delivered Artfully…
Believing that excellence in care is best offered with a personal touch, and with the individual’s needs and personality considered, Sarah McMurray finds Geriatric Care Management both a challenge and a calling.
After 30 years in business during which she cared for family members with dementia, Sarah changed course to focus her career on families and their loved ones with geriatric needs. Her own mother lived with her for over 10 years with the assistance of some amazing caregivers and the support of friends and neighbors, all of whom taught lessons of kindness and acceptance that are unparalleled.
In working with seniors with a wide variety of needs, Sarah has developed her vision of artful care through careful observation of “what works” in drawing the best out of seniors as their life situations change. Her advocacy role with physicians and medical facilities has allowed for more informed families and led to easier decision-making.
Sarah McMurray is an experienced, caring geriatric care manager:
- State of Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, Home Health Administrator Certificate
- Rice University, The Management Program
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Arts, Education
- Oklahoma Baptist University, Bachelor of Science, Psychology